Are you interested in joining Royal Purple or starting a Lodge
in your community?
Interested members are to contact the Provincial Membership Committee: Sharon F, Tracy, Carrie for all pertinent information. Our contact information is located at the bottom of the page.
1- Guidance is available from the Provincial Membership Committee and National R&R Committee.
2- The committee member will supply the Lodge with the application form to submit to the ARPA for support funding. The Provincial Association will assist with expenses up to $500.00.
3- It is suggested to the Lodge that they post on social media, a local event board, local radio station or place an advertisement in their local newspaper to inform their community of the upcoming Royal Purple Information Event.
Examples of expenses at the discretion of the ARPA: boosting on Facebook, print expenses, table rentals, newspaper advertisements, radio ads, door prizes, swag. Expenses may be shared between ARPA and the local lodge.
If interested in joining an Alberta Royal Purple Lodge or would like more information, please contact
Carrie Uhrich-